Monday, May 24, 2010


I commented on Michael's, Katelyn's, Hannah Head's, Shelby's, and Miles' and Aaron's blogs. On Michael's blog I commented on his traveling to New York post, Katelyn's I agreed that we will rule the sea one day and that I lover her! I commented on Hannah Head's taking her advice about getting to a peaceful place and just relaxing! I agree with Shelby when she said that we barely have any drama this year and that it is better than last year! Also, in Miles and Aaron's blog I said that randomness makes life fun and exciting!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


There are many things that I would like to accomplish when I am older. One of my main ones is traveling! Traveling to beautiful places that I have never been too, and some that I have been to. One of my dreams is to go to Australia. Everyone says is is beautiful and when I see pictures I just want to go there even more! Some of the other places that I would love to go is Europe, everywhere in Europe, but mainly Greece. My aunt went there one time and she said it was gorgeous and that she would take me there one day! I am really looking forward to that! I have been to Hawaii before, but I only went to Oahu and Maui. I would like to go explore all the islands. As you can tell, I mostly desire to go to places with beaches. When I am older, if I am able to live on a beach, then I will! But of course I also want to go places like Paris, Italy, New York and other places like that where I can shop all I want! Traveling sounds like the best experience ever! You get to explore the world and the other cultures which really fascinates me!

My 7th Grade Experiance and Wonderful Memories!

I have so many amazing memories from seventh grade! Allthough, I did have several poor
times, there are few bad memories though! Seventh grade was one of the best years ever! I have
had so many great laughs with great friends! In a way I would like for seventh grade to be over
but then again I don't. My low points in seventh grade were mostly when I was overwhelmed
with homework. My high points were mostly when I was with my hilarious and wonderful
friends! Three of my lows that I can recall is all of the homework that stressed me out, the
drama that girls tend to create, and we were not so good in sports this year! Three of the high
points that come to mind right now are the Chili Cook-Off, Meagan's party, and school almost being over!
One of my low points was all of the homework that stressed me out throughout the year. I look
back now and think that all that homework payed off and helped me learn more! But, it was stressful!
I remember staying up very late and thinking to myself, "I am never going to get this done!"
Most of the time I was able to finish it, but on rare occasions, I was not. On some days I would
have no homework and those were the best days ever! I could go home and sleep, it was amazing!
In my opinion, we should never have homwork! It makes you tired, stressed, and grumpy! Those
things are not good!
Another one of the lousy points in my seventh grade school year was all the drama. Why can't
everyone just get along, mind their own business, and be their own person? I really don't
understand why people, mostly girls, love drama so's crazy! Something else I do not
understand is how someone can just make something up about another person. Something they suposedly said,
or did, or is going to do. Becuase, it will eventually get back to that one person and I am prett
sure they will not be happy, because I know I am never happy when that happens to me! Also, girls
need to stop copying one another and be orginal witht their own style and stop takng everyon elses.
I know other people have written about this before but it is so true and these girls need to get it
in their minds that they can not be the same person as someone else. Mrs. Anzures once put a
quote up in her room by Ocar Wilde, it stated, "Be yourself; everyone else is already taken."
Really think about that because it is so true! God has made each and everyone of us different, for a
reason! If we were all the same then this wold would be incredibley boring! So be yourself, mind
your own business, and just get along, I promise it isn't that hard!
My last, low point that I could think of was that we didn't do that great in sports this year. I
know that this year was a transition year because everything changed, but we were still..not good
in sports. I am hoping that next year will be better, but I am just not sure! I know that playing
sports isn't all about winning, but it always feels good to win. It makes me feel like I accomplished
my goal that I had set before myself. I always tell myself to do my best and to think positive!
Thinking positive can be very difficult sometimes...especially when your team is not that amazing!
Even though several people are leaving our school, I am hoping that more come, and that we will
be more successful in sports.
My first high point was the chili cook-off that we had. I thought that was so much fun! Whenever
I think of something good that happened this year, I think of the chili cook-off. I have so many memories
from that! When I was in the big rolling ball and I didn't know which way was up! Apparently
everybody was laughing at me! Hmm? I wonder why! Haha! Also, when I was with Katelyn and
we were just sitting there then all of the sudden we see Clay Tillman fall in a hole! We laughed
so hard that we both almost peed our pants! Yes, it was that hilarious!
My second high point in was seventh grade year was Meagan's party. I have to say, that was
one of the funnest parties I have ever been to! We did some crazy things! But it was all so much fun!
One if the things we did was me, Meagan, Katelyn, and Kristin all stayed up all night long! We got
no sleep at all! We also went swimming at midnight, or somewhere around that time which was
just one of the best parts!
My last high point is that this school year is almost over! I am so ready for it to be over also!
Now we just have one more year until we are out of middle school, thank goodness! I am so
excited for this summer because my sister, and all her friends, can drive...PARTY! I am also going
to Las Vegas and New Mexico this summer, which sounds like a ton of fun! Summer is my favorite
time of year because I can sleep late and I have a lot of free time to do whatever I would like to! I
absoloutly love summertime and being out of school!
As you can see I have had a pretty amazing school year! I had several low points, which were
all of the homework, the drama that girls tend to create, and that we kind of stunk at sports! But,
I had some high points too! My high points were the chili cook-off, Meagan's party, and this school
year almost being over! I like thinking of my high points over my low points! In all I have had so
much fun this year. We had great teachers! We also had a lot of fun!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


There once was a little girl, her name was Sha-Shawn and she was 10. She lived in Texas and had two brothers. She hated roller coasters! Her mama told her that she had to go on this particular roller coaster. She was terrified! She was begging her mom not to make her go on it. But her mom was one tough cookie and still said that she had to!

This roller coaster was called "The Death Roll." Sha-Shawn was about pee her pants! Her big mama was still convinced that she was going to go on the roller coaster! Her two older brothers, De-Shawn and Bob, were teasing her because they have gone on it before and loved it! But, since she was younger, she was so scared! All she had to do was look at the death roll and she would start crying! She didn't know what she was going to do!

So, she thought about running away, but that was too over the top. Then she thought about hiding until they were finished riding the ride. She thought that was the best idea! She told her mom that she was going to the bathroom while they were waiting in line and and she said that she would be right back. Well...she didn't come right back! The line was so long and her family got to the front of the line and She-Shawn was still not back! They were not about to leave either because they had waited a long time to ride the death roll. Her family went on without her, which of course, Sha-Shawn did not mind that at all!

When the ride was over, her parents and brothers were expecting to see her back by then, but the didn't. Her family was looking all over for her, but the couldn't find her! They searched high and low and in places that you wouldn't expect. By this time they were about to call the police to come and help them. After about another thirty minutes they called the cops. They just wanted to find She-Shawn so badly! They were determined to find her!

Finally, after hours of searching, they found her! She was in the water park just swimming around as if nothing was wrong!. Her mom came over to her and asked her where she had been. Sha-Shawn explained to her mom that she really didn't want to go on the roller coaster, and her mom finally understood! Sha-Shawn and her family left the theme park then after a very eventful day. They all decided to go eat chicken wings! They lived happily ever after!

Monday, May 10, 2010

1. Whose blog has a Beatles header
Annamarie has the Beatles header.
2. Who wrote about influences?
Helana wrote about influences.
3. Who has a summer count down clock posted on their blog? Hint: There's more than one.
Hannah Head, Mrs. Anzures, and Audrey Jonas have the summer count down clock.
4. Who is going to own who on the basketball court?
Hunter thinks he is going to own Roger, but Roger thinks he is going to own Hunter.
5. Who has been to Cancun?
Michael Page has been to Cancun.
6. Who has a cousin that plays in the NFL?
Ben Snoga
7. Who is flyguy899?
Arthur Johnson is flyguy899
8. How many blog pages have PacMan available to play?
I only found two blogs with PacMan on it.
9. Who has movie trailers available for viewing at the click of a the mouse?
Stephen and Annamarie both have movie trailers.

10. Whose blog title is a Sound of Music song?
Katelyn's blog is called "These are a few of my favorite things" from the "Sound of Music"
11. Who has played "Jazz Band Jubilee" this school year?
The NBCA band had been playing this song.

12. Who wrote in a blog post, "You don't forgive people because you are weak, you forgive people because you are strong enough to know how to."
Helana wrote that quote on her blog.
13. Frederick is...?
Frederick is Hannah Head's pet turtle.
14. Who wrote, "Make Your Words Come To Life With Vivid Description," on their blog?
Helana wrote that amazing quote.
15. Who is Chancho?
Choncho is Gracen's pet llama
16. Which band or artist pops up most on the 500 most popular albums and songs list?
The band that pops up the most is the Beatles.
17. What colors are the pentagram?
Red, green, blue, pink, and black are the colors of the pentagram.
18. Who's going to cheerleading camp this summer?
Meagan Edge was, but is no longer going to cheer camp
19. How many blogs have Justin Bieber playing on their playlist?
I counted 10 playlists with Justin Bieber on it. That is way too many if you ask me.
20. Pickles Gone Wild wants you to feed her?
Pickles Gone Wild wants you to feed her fish and pig.
1. Who has pictures of themselves on their blogs?

Me, Katelyn Abraham, Audrey Jonas, Michael Page, Aaron Heatherly, Miles McFaddin, and Mia Johnson all have pictures of themselves.

2. Who wrote, "I am working towards a better walk with God and trusting Him will help me to trust others again too," on her blog?
Kristin wrote that.
3. Who learned contemporary dance this year?

I learned contemporary dance this year. :)

4. "To live this life I need a heartbeat. To have a heartbeat I need a heart. To have heart I need happiness. To have happiness I need you." Whose blog shares these heartfelt words?
Shelby Lackrone wrote that on her blog.

5. How many blogs have posted polls? Of the polls that have been posted, which is your favorite?
Eight people have polls on their blogs. My favorite was, "What is your favorite ice cream?"

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


One of the many things that I love to do is dance. I think Dancing is amazing! I have tried different kinds of dances, such as tap, jazz, ballet, and contemporary. My two favorite types of dance, is ballet, the other is contemporary. When I am dancing I feel like I can do anything! Sometimes i don't always get it at first, but I like a challenge. You really have to work hard to get good at dance. You have to have patience, dedication, and a positive attitude!

Ballet is my favorite out of any of the dances I have done. I feel so graceful and as if I can do anything! I go to my ballet class on tuesdays, I would like to go to more but I just don't have time. Right now in ballet, we are working on our dance for our recital on May 29, 2010. I am very excited! Our dance is to the song called Your Song from the musical Moulin Rouge. It is a very beautiful song and a gorgeous dance!

Contemporary is my second favorite. At the beginning of this year I had no idea what contemporary dance was. Then someone explained to me that it was like a modern ballet, so I was pretty confident that I would like it... and I did absolutely love it! I have contemporary class on Mondays and Madison Codney, in eight grade, takes that class with me as well. We are also working on our dance for the recital. This particular dance is to the Lion King. It is a very exotic dance, but it is extremely fun! In my opinion, dancing is the most exhilarating sport, you just feel so free!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Just A Little Bit About Me

Hey, my name is Hannah! I love to laugh and have a great time! I love music and watching movies. One of the other things that I love to do is hang out with my friends. I always have so much fun with them. Something else that I love to do is play sports. I play volleyball, basketball, softball, and I also do dance. The two types of dance that I do are ballet and contemporary. I have been doing dance since I was five, I love it! I really want a bird. I would name it Tweety. But, if I get a bird, it would have to talk. My favorite colors are purple and green. My favorite kind of ice cream is bubble gum. One other thing that you have to know about me is that I can be very random at times, I do have my "blonde moments." But, that is just me in a nutshell... :D
~Hannah Baker~