Wednesday, May 12, 2010


There once was a little girl, her name was Sha-Shawn and she was 10. She lived in Texas and had two brothers. She hated roller coasters! Her mama told her that she had to go on this particular roller coaster. She was terrified! She was begging her mom not to make her go on it. But her mom was one tough cookie and still said that she had to!

This roller coaster was called "The Death Roll." Sha-Shawn was about pee her pants! Her big mama was still convinced that she was going to go on the roller coaster! Her two older brothers, De-Shawn and Bob, were teasing her because they have gone on it before and loved it! But, since she was younger, she was so scared! All she had to do was look at the death roll and she would start crying! She didn't know what she was going to do!

So, she thought about running away, but that was too over the top. Then she thought about hiding until they were finished riding the ride. She thought that was the best idea! She told her mom that she was going to the bathroom while they were waiting in line and and she said that she would be right back. Well...she didn't come right back! The line was so long and her family got to the front of the line and She-Shawn was still not back! They were not about to leave either because they had waited a long time to ride the death roll. Her family went on without her, which of course, Sha-Shawn did not mind that at all!

When the ride was over, her parents and brothers were expecting to see her back by then, but the didn't. Her family was looking all over for her, but the couldn't find her! They searched high and low and in places that you wouldn't expect. By this time they were about to call the police to come and help them. After about another thirty minutes they called the cops. They just wanted to find She-Shawn so badly! They were determined to find her!

Finally, after hours of searching, they found her! She was in the water park just swimming around as if nothing was wrong!. Her mom came over to her and asked her where she had been. Sha-Shawn explained to her mom that she really didn't want to go on the roller coaster, and her mom finally understood! Sha-Shawn and her family left the theme park then after a very eventful day. They all decided to go eat chicken wings! They lived happily ever after!


  1. She-Shawn, that is a very intersting name. How did you come up with that? Cute story!
    ~Mrs. A

  2. Thank you! I went on google and typed in "black baby names." haha!
